Where do I start

Building Your Own Boat - Where Do I Start?
Building a new boat should be a time of excitement and anticipation. Everyone is unique and has a range of wants and needs, influencing the type of vessel most suited to them. If you have been involved in boating for numerous years you will be familiar with its many aspects and have a good idea on the specifications you are after. However, if this is your first time building a boat, we would like to offer some basic advice to think about.
The very first thing to consider is what marine environment you are planning to use your new boat in. Will you be fishing lakes and impoundments? Maybe creeks and estuaries? Or perhaps offshore? The type of activities you plan to partake in also plays an equally important role in the design and layout of the model you will choose. For instance, flicking lures will require a different layout than if you're objective is bottom bashing.
Engine requirements also play an important part in your boat choice. Some Designers will usually list a recommended minimum and maximum horsepower rating as well as engine weight on each model of boat. While you can not legally exceed the maximum horsepower rating, under powering a boat can also be detrimental to overall performance and safety.
Some factors to take into account are as follows:-
1. Weight of the boat
2. Amount of fuel on board
3. How many people on board
4. Weight of accessories
5. Distance to and from destination
Hull performance can also be spoilt by an incorrectly fitted or trimmed engine. If you are new to boating and have had little experience with outboard engines, your outboard dealer will guide you with the correct engine transom position and explain about motor trimming.
While the model and engine horsepower must be considered if you intend to carry a big load, how the load is distributed is equally important. Too much weight in one area may compromise the boats performance and safety on the water.
Remember, whatever design your looking at building, don't be afraid to ask the designer questions. If they don't know the answers or, aren't very helpful, then you may have to question yourself if they are the right people to deal with. It is crucial that you are happy with who and what, you're spending your hard earned money on. This is your dream boat after all.
We hope the information we have provided helps you along in your decision process when choosing the right boat to suit your needs. Boating is a terrific past time that can be enjoyed by all ages and, building a new boat should definitely be part of it.

2/ Purchase the Plans
Choose the design, click the "Buy now" button and...
3/ Time to build
Gather tools needed. Boat building does not require exotic tools. A table saw would obviously be a great option, but is not necessary.
Basic hand tools are adequate as well as a bunch of c-clamps.
That's basically it!
Ask any of our builders.
Whats even more interesting, 99% of our builders have never built a boat before
So, it's not that difficult to build your own boat!
That is if you build a Bowdidge Marine Design!!!